Xaver Drabik

everything made with ❤️

Visit this website on your PC. You'll get to play many of the games! :)

Cloud Warrior

Winter-break 2024/25

During my winter break, I dedicated my time to developing a vertical slice of a game. In this game, players take on the role of an unnamed Buddhist Monk preparing for a sacred mission: ascending their temple tower to confront and defeat Māra, the personification of evil in Buddhism.

Core Gameplay Features

Player Abilities:

Combat Mechanics

Accomplishments in the Project

Assets and Resources

Original Work:

Third-Party Assets:

Next Steps


Autumn 2024

PokeFight is a simple Augmented-Reality Rock-Paper-Scisors game created in Unity using OpenXR. Implemented for a class at FH St. Pölten focusing on designing and implementing applications in Virtual/Augmented Reality. The gameplay deliberately is kept simple to focus on the capabilities and restrictions of the OpenXR platform for Android. This project was created over a period of multiple weeks, although total development time amounts to ~4 hours with no guidance what-so-ever.

Things that I have done:

Ninja Rampage

Winter 2023

Ninja Rampage is a hack-and-slash game where you fight through waves of enemies. The focus was on creating fast-paced and fluid gameplay without feeling overwhelming. The game was developed during a 2-week exercise at FH St. Pölten, coded entirely in JavaScript, and runs on a custom engine embedded in an iFrame. This setup introduces some bugs, which are hard to diagnostic, it still demonstrates the basic concept.

XCOM Clone

Summer-break 2022

This prototype is designed to explore the capabilities of Unity's built-in NavMesh, focusing on agent avoidance, path calculation, and path visualization. The project investigates how NavMeshAgents handle dynamic pathfinding and avoid obstacles while navigating a defined environment. By visualizing agent paths, the prototype provides insights into the internal workings of Unity's navigation system. This standalone project aims to serve as a foundation for understanding and utilizing these core NavMesh functionalities in future Unity applications.

The player is able to:

Space X

Summer 2021

Space X was a collaborative project between me and Martin Stillebauer where we both wanted to explore the possibilities within the Unity Engine. The prototype startet it's life as a "Zelda: Breath of the Wild" clone but soon evolved into a medieval japan inspired game where the player would be able to play as a ninja.

Features implemented or things I have learned in this Version:


Like what you see? Find out what my diploma project looked like!